September flew right on by after our vacation ended. I haven't really updated in here for quite some time, but I'm still here and the world is still spinning!
As you know, I opened an etsy account in April-ish trying to sell candles of all things. I love candles, I love smelling them, I love the feeling of a brand new candle jar in my hand. I love how a little flicker of light can erupt a whole new feeling of emotion to one small room.
I do not love making candles.
It's not like I hated it, but I surely didn't have an aspiration to keep moving on with selling them, but I kept the few candles listed for about a month and got super inspired in the midst of things to sew Disney princess dresses for Lola.
Ever since she was teeny tiny I repeated over and over in my head that I would NOT buy those itchy scratchy cheap-o fabric Disney dresses for her as she got older.
I played around with some different styles, bought a pattern, and plunged in head first.
It was possibly the best decision I ever made.
I listed a few dresses here and there and slowly but surely started removing the candles one by one until they became nonexistent in my shop.
Before I knew it, I was no longer making candles and my shop name transformed from "KnickNaxCandleWax to KnickNaxFabricStax

I found a passion that wildy grows every time I sat in front of the sewing machine. Ever since I can remember I always loved to "make." Making things, creating things whatever the medium. From paintings to snapping timeless shots with my camera to baking beautiful food.
None (not even photography) compares to this though. I've never mustered up the courage to sell the things I've made, until now.
The reason I have been so absent is because my shop in the last 4 weeks has been soaring. I've been getting about 4-5 orders a week on average. Which is blowing my mind and I love every minute of being paid for something I thoroughly enjoy. I even love taking the long trek to Joann's to sort through fabric (It's actually my favorite part). I'm slowly making a profit, and my ideas for the future are endless. I've always admired people that open up Etsy shops and sell their creations, I never thought that I would be one of those people.
Once the craziness of the next few weeks dies down I will be revamping the shop to make it prettier and I will also be updating more in here as well, including many updates of the shop.
Click the link here to go buy some dresses ----> My Shop
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