We look forward to these adventures every year, because our lives are already super crazy and adventurous as it is, but it's nice to just get away from it all and discover something new. This year, we decided to go horseback riding. Neither of us have rode horses before, and I'm going to tell you right now watching somebody ride a horse and actually riding one are two totally different things. Everybody makes it look so easy peezy! So we met our trail guide and our horses, I had Buffy and Ryan had Tootsie. And soon enough we set off into the wilderness, except for the fact that Buffy was all about doing her own thing and was not a follower. So there goes the trail guide, tootsie and Ryan and I'm kicking like a mad woman trying to get this horse to go. It was like pulling teeth people. Finally she decided that it was time and I caught up. Once we got further away from the ranch she started to warm up to me, but goodness was this horse stubborn. A horse after my own heart...
As we got deeper into the trail we started trotting and I was for sure I was going to fly off and get trampled by my stubborn horse, but Ryan and I balanced pretty good and it was a blast. Such an adrenaline rush, and we both couldn't help imagining we were in Game of Thrones heading to Kings Landing.
We will definitely be back.

We waddled back to our car, thinking we would probably never feel our thighs ever again. We decided it was time to get some grub. We visited Downtown Tampa and walked around a bit to get the feeling back in our legs. We came upon a little pizza shop and it was love at first sight. I pretty much fell in love with the dough I could have probably just ordered their dough and been a happy camper. Afterwords we walked around a bit stumbled upon a chocolatier and I got the richest truffle I've ever had, it was like a chocolate explosion in my mouth. We also adventured around a bit and discovered the biggest bowling pin in the world, and a bowling alley right smack dab in downtown. So we definitely have plans on coming back as soon as possible.

So all in all it was a blast, just like every year because adventures with Ryan always are. I love adventuring through life with him and every year is always something new. And that's what I love the most about our relationship, we still know how to surprise each other even after four years. That, I know, will never change.
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