That might be why I started this blog. Before this blog I had a livejournal, that I started back in the high school days. Every once in a while I will sneak into the past and read some of those whiny, "I hate my life, oh my gosh he broke up with me," posts..and I laugh and sometimes I even cry. Those years were so cruel sometimes, but they made me the person I am and sometimes I like to meet up with that old me, especially when I have questions about my life now.
Documenting those years was one of the best things I ever could have done, and I'm glad that I have stuck with this blog for a 9 whole months now! I will appreciate this later, I know it.
When Lola was born I took a lot of pictures, like too many most of the time, whether it be on my phone, or my camera, or sometimes jerking a phone out of a strangers hands to snap a quick photo....(no, that didn't actually happen). Photos are important, but so are words. So I decided to take snapshots of Lola on her monthly birthdays and write about the milestones it held within.
Each month I signed into Shutterfly, plopped the picture down onto the digital "book page," and typed away. As her birthday neared I typed what was left of the 12th month and shut the book and had it shipped.
Shutterfly is such a great website for pretty much their whole selection of goodies. In the past year, I've made three photobooks with them and there is never a disappointment. Not to mention, they always have coupons (especially right when you have a baby, they load you up with free photo books).

Anywho, so the book arrived and I read it a bajillion times. I laughed and I cried and I couldn't help but long for those moments back, but I felt complete because they were right there, staring back at me in my lap. Each page held the most precious moments of her tiny life and all I had to do was turn a page and relive them over and over again. And someday she will go back and flip through the pages of her little self.

Right then and there, was when I made the decision to keep documenting, not just my life here on this blog, but Lola's life written out on pages.
So this year I will be documenting her life through here, monthly, and by the end of June next year a new book of Lola's Life as a One Year Old will be shipped for me to laugh and cry over again...and cherish forever.
If you haven't seen Lola's First Year, here it is:
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