Thursday and Friday my kitchen consistently smelled of almost every fragrance you can think of, and probably some that you have no idea of. Not because I was cooking up something grand, but because Stephanie and I were in candle making mode and setting up shop, which is here by the way if you haven't swung by yet.
Saturday was a work day and Saturday night Stephanie and I had a girls night which is actually code for supply ordering, and click clacking away at our keyboards, setting up our candle listings and social media accounts. (also a sneaky trip to the Cheesecake Factory). I can officially say I am finally at peace with the setting up process, I have been pretty on edge with all that piled up in my brain and now it's just time to promote promote promote, which I'm slightly okay with.
Sunday we opened shop, did a lot of friending (probably not a word, whatever) and more click clacking. Then we were off to the Renaissance Festival for a break from reality which was more than needed, I'll be posting about that later on this week when I have a moment.
Then it was home to scoop up the shoosh, plant lots of miss you kisses on her chunky cheeks, do some hardcore playing and ship her off to dreamland.

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