Lola is officially a mobile baby. I feel as though I've been preparing for this since the second she came into this world, but today I had to take a few steps back and recuperate. Prepared? No. She bonked her head numerous times today because she woke up with a new sense of bravery after being a scaredy cat for the first 10 months of her life. She yanked and threw anything she could get her hands on and was quite proud of it as well. I burnt a few toaster strudels in the process of keeping her out of certain things and my tortellini for lunch became a new fascination, before it was just "mom food." Every head bonk and every little thing she grabbed and tossed made my stomach drop to my toes. She no longer sat there in the only position she knew and played silently with her toys gathered around her...there were way cooler things to explore.
And that's exactly what she did, she explored and tomorrow will be a whole new adventure.
A whole new adventure. That's right the season of our lives is changing.

Needless to say, Ryan and I spent our afternoon at Home Depot learning the ins and out of baby proofing our house. We also did a huge mega house clean up and made it more baby accessible, but made sure to still make it adult friendly. I think that's extremely important in baby proofing and we decided that our kitchen will have a baby gate and be off guards to Lola when she is roaming the house. We also said no to a play pen since our apartment is well, an apartment and that would be a teeny bit impossible. In turn, we are using Lola's bedroom as her "safe haven," when we're doing dishes, putting groceries away etc. I also want to get her use to playing in her bedroom so that'll be good in the long run.

We have found some of the pieces of the puzzle so far, but we've got a long way to go and who knows if we will ever finish it...but hey unfinished puzzles are way more fun. Once you think you got this parenting thing down to a science the world flips it all around and gives you burnt toaster strudels. But you know, I'm totally fine with burnt anything as long as I get to share the icing packet with my little hunny.